John Zam

Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)

In school, sports had a huge impact on my life, ingraining the fact that with hard work and discipline any goal is attainable. From there, I developed a passion for fitness and health: it’s always been my life, so I decided to make it my job. This enthusiasm has led me to try to inspire others to be the strongest, healthiest, best possible versions of themselves — to inspire others to “LiveFIT” in all areas of their lives. I believe this point of optimal health is achievable for anyone and everyone, so long as you have the right tools and the right mindset. With my clients, it’s my goal to help them find those tools and achieve that mindset to improve their life.


  • ACE certified


  • Strength training
  • Agility training
  • Weight loss
  • Bodybuilding


  • Working out
  • Playing soccer
  • Video games
  • Movies